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Guide for Foreign Citizens Seeking Permanent Residence in China
Primary documents required for permanent residence application:

  1. Valid passport, or other certificate in lieu of passport, and copies.
  2. Health Examination Certificate issued by health or medical institutions designated by the Chinese government, or those issued by health or medical institutions abroad and authenticated by a local Chinese Consulate or local Chinese Embassy.
  3. Certificate of no criminal record, authenticated by a local Chinese Consulate or local Chinese Embassy.
  4. Four recent 2-inch full-faced, head-uncovered photos.
  5. Application for Permanent Residence in China

The following are eligible to apply for permanent residence in China:

  1. Those having direct investment(s) in China being in a stable living situation for three consecutive years, and having a good record of taxation payment.
  2. Those designated as vice general manager, vice factory director or other senior posts or having a senior professional title such as associate professor, vice researcher or above, and enjoying equivalent treatment consecutively for four years, having a cumulative stay of not less than three years within a four year period in China, and with a good record of taxation payment.
  3. Those who make great or distinguished contributions to China and are urgently needed by the country.
  4. The spouse of the person mentioned in the three articles above, and their unmarried children under 18 years of age.
  5. The spouse of a Chinese citizen or of aliens holding a qualification of permanent stay in China with a marriage relationship lasting five consecutive years, having stayed in China for five consecutive years, staying in China not less than nine months every year and enjoying a stable living situation and residence.
  6. Children below 18 yeas of age returning to their parents.
  7. Persons 60 years of age or over having no immediate relatives abroad, returning to next of kin, who have resided in China for five consecutive years, are residing in China not less than nine months every year, and are enjoying a stable living situation and residence.

Date: 21 Apr 07    Views: 122    Comments: 0          

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